Rental System
If an investor owns xCorgi character/s, he will have the option to either play it or list it for rental. Listing a character for rent comes with perks:
Character Renting EXP which unlocks attribute bonuses
Collect rental fee or Profit Sharing Basis
convenience of time
Rental EXP System
The xCorgi characters will earn experiences every time they will be rented. This in turn levels up the characters and unlocks certain character attributes that will empower them, making it easier to play and win the game. These bonuses however, are capped to a certain amount to promote fairness between players.
Rental Payment Methods
Character owners have the option on how they want to be paid; Pre-defined rental fee or Profit Sharing basis. However, it is up to the Renter to choose which of the options he/she desires. The Team does not have control over this matter.
On a pre-defined rental fee, the owner defines how much $Fluff he/she will charge a player. There is no limit on the amount the owner sets his rental fee. On a Profit Sharing basis, the owner will decide on the amount of winnings he/she requires to be able to rent that certain corgi character. Owners can set the rates from 100% (to the owner) and 0% (to the renter) or the other way around and everything in between.
The greatest disadvantage in this setup is the risk of not being able to rent out your character, meaning in the entire duration of your listing, no one dared to rent your character. The Team addresses this by giving out 1 free Energy Treat pack (which contain 1 Energy Treat per pack) every 12 hours of inactivity of the listing. Listing of your corgi characters will be capped at a maximum of 24 hours after which it will be automatically take down.
Next disadvantage is when the renter decides to go for a profit sharing basis and did not win any matches. In this scenario, the lessor will also have no earnings from the rental. The Team addresses this issue below.
Renter / Lessee Regulations
To avoid player abuses to the renting system, especially if the renter chooses the profit sharing option, The Team will implement a rating mechanism to all players whenever they rent out corgi characters from other players, this is called Rental Rating.
If their season win rate drops below 50%, they will not have the option to choose the Profit Sharing Basis in paying the rental fee. They will be limited to choose the fixed rental fee option until such time their win rates will return to above 50%.
More safe guards will be implemented in the succeeding updates of the game.
Last updated