Skills and Spells
Skill Tree
Character Skills/Attributes are implemented in a form of a Tree in this game. A corgi characters initially have 3 passive skills: Movement Speed (MS), Toughness (T) and Jump Height (JH). These 3 skills are the basic ones. A player should carefully strategies on building its skill tree to be able to achieve either of the 3 character types namely; Speedsters, Bouncers and High-flyers.
Are players who maximized their MS and built on the succeeding higher skill tiers. They are the speed devils of the game.
Are players who maximized their T and built on the succeeding higher skill tiers. They are the muscles of the game.
Are players who maximized their JH and built on the succeeding higher skill tiers. They can literally fly.
Players are given a maximum of 15 skill points to level up their passive skills/attributes. This guarantees that a character can only choose to be 1 type of character or just be a Jack-of-all-trades kind of character.
When a character reaches a type, it will be given the option to choose between 2 spells corresponding to its chosen type.
Speeders - either Dash or Phase
Bouncers - Stampede or Harden
High-flyers - either Catapult and Double Jump
Players can also purchase skill points in the xCorgi Shop to hasten the progression of their Skill Tree.
Players can only equip 2 spells at a time. 1 basic spell and 1 advanced spell (inflictive or supportive). Spells also have charges which means there are limited number of times they can be used per match.
Basic Spells
Characters can also have different spells in their arsenal. The game has a multitude of either inflictive and supportive spells which will be useful when used properly, to win the game. As mentioned above, Dash, Phase, Stampede, Harden, Catapult and Double Jump are the basics.
Inflictive Spells
These set of spells are used against other players. Either slowing them, making them lose control or simply putting them to sleep. Petrify, Slime, Fear, Speed Hack are some of the example and more.
Supportive Spells
These set of spell are mainly used as a buff to the characters. Either by gaining speed, immunity to impacts and removing Inflictive spells. Sprint, Immune, Purge, Conceal are some examples and more.
Additional information will be provided once game is out for public testing. Players can also purchase Spells from the xCorgi Shop using Fluff or exchange spells from other characters and players.
Limited Production
Inflictive and Supportive spells will be produced at a certain limited volume and are all NFTs.
Last updated